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When is the LSAT TEST given?

The test is administered four times a year--usually in October, December, February, and June. The October, December and February administrations of the LSAT begin at 8:30 A.M.and go to 1:00 p.m. Candidates are required to be at the test center no later than 8:00 A.M. for these administrations. The June LSAT is administered at 12:30 P.M. Candidates are required to be at the test center no later than 12:00 P.M. for this test. Special arrangements for schedule changes are available.


What materials do I need to bring?
Bring several No. 2 pencils and a good eraser. Noiseless watches are permitted. However, watches that make noise, cell phones, and beepers are not permitted at the test center.


How important is the LSAT EXAM and how is it used?
It is crucial! Although law schools may consider other factors, the vast majority of admission decisions are based on only two criteria: your LSAT score and your GPA.

How many times should I take the LSAT TEST?
Most people are better off preparing thoroughly for the test, taking it one time and getting their top score. You can take the test as often as you like, but many law schools will average your scores. You should call the schools to which you are applying to find out their policy. Then plan your strategy accordingly. A copy of your LSAT and Grade Point Average will automatically be sent to every school to which you apply.


Should you take the LSAT test again?
If you believe that your test score does not reflect your true ability, you should consider taking the test again. Data show that scores for repeat test takers often rise slightly. However, be aware that your scores may drop. You should also notify law schools of any facts relevant to the interpretation of your test results, such as illness or extenuating circumstances. If there is no reason to believe that one score represents a truer estimate of an applicant’s ability, schools are advised that the average score is probably the best estimate of ability—especially if the tests were taken over short period of time. Law Schools must have access to your complete test record, not just the highest score; therefore, LSAC will not honor requests for partial score reports.


Can I cancel my score?
Yes. To do so, you must notify the Law School Admission Services within 5 days after taking the test.

Where can I get the registration forms?
Most law schools have the forms. You can also get them directly from Law School Admission Services by writing to:

Law Services
Box 2000
661 Penn Street
Newtown, PA 18940

Or calling:
Or on the Internet:

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