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While it’s true that just anyone can start a blog, it’s also true that not everyone can create a successful one. And the one factor that seems to make the biggest difference in whether or not a blog is successful is blog promotion. There are so many different variations of promoting a blog, and not all of them seem to work for everyone. So much of the success rate depends on what type of blog it is, as well as the subscriber base. If you’re in the process of blog promotion, then you might want to read along and get a few ideas.

You Must Be Consistent In Topic

When people sign up for blogs, they are doing so because they have an express interest in the blog’s topic. Many new bloggers end up losing subscribers because they continuously switch their writing topics or don’t stay focused on the topic at hand. It’s important to remember that with a blog you are attempting to brand yourself as an expert in whatever field you’re writing about, so you should stay focused on that topic in order to build up a satisfied, loyal following.

You Must Be Consistent In Timing

Another mistake made by some newbie bloggers is that they don’t post consistent blogs, so their readers never know what to expect. They may log on one day and find nothing new, then log on again the next day and find 4 new posts. But consistency is what readers want. That doesn’t mean that you have to create a new post every day, but it does mean that you should do it on a consistent schedule. Many bloggers do post daily, but many other successful ones post 3 times a week, or even once a week. The criterion isn’t how often that you do it; it’s that you do it in a manner that your followers will know what to expect.

You Must Be Consistent In Balance

Many bloggers rely only on social media to get their traffic, while others rely heavily on search engines to bring them theirs. But an experienced blogger understands that any of these tactics will vary from month and month, and it’s better to bring in traffic from all sorts of techniques. Your content should be search engine optimized to bring in visitors from the SEs, and you should also post comments and opinions on forums to bring in the social media crowd. Don’t forget that referrals from other blog hosts generally carry a lot of weight with their subscribers and can be invaluable. In short, troll for subscribers everywhere—not just in any one place.

Blog promotion is an art, and many people don’t have the time to do it themselves. If this sounds like you, simply contact one of the expert companies that will do it for you. Then you’ll be able to spend your time doing what your best at: creating a loyal following writing about what matters most to you.

This post was written by

Chris Robertson – who has written posts on Website Promotion Strategy.
I have been doing SEO for 15yrs now! Chris Robertson

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